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#18 Most Accessible Professors in the Country THE PRINCETON REVIEW READ MORE

Our Faculty

The College’s faculty is central to its longstanding commitment to academic excellence.

Experts in their fields, Randolph’s professors are dedicated to teaching and take pride in the individual attention they provide to students.

In fact, Newsweek has ranked Randolph College first in the nation for the accessibility of professors, and they consistently are rated among the nation’s best…

Low student-faculty ratios ensure that Randolph students receive not only individualized attention in the classroom, but opportunities for research, publication, and mentoring.

These close relationships have been a hallmark of the College since it opened its doors to students in 1893.

Ninety-four percent of faculty hold terminal degrees and 71 percent hold tenure. Randolph employs about 68  full-time faculty members, 61 adjuncts, and 5 faculty who have staff  responsibilities or library status.

Randolph is a teaching-intensive institution, but the members of its faculty are quite active in the public advancement of their fields. To give a few examples from what could easily be a longer list: faculty members have…

  • published books on subjects as diverse as burial practices in ancient Carthage, religion in Victorian Britain, and the ethics of consumer choice;
  • recorded a professional CD of a Virginia composer’s music,
  • led a college ensemble in performance at Carnegie Hall,
  • published poems and exhibited art work in leading journals and at major galleries;
  • held important positions in scholarly organizations, such as the International F. Scott Fitzgerald Society;
  • published works in journals as diverse as the The Journal of Higher Education, Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, Environmental Earth Sciences, Post Script: Essays in Film and the Humanities, and Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide; and
  • presented papers at meetings from the Institute Pasteur to the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies.
  • Read more about our faculty activities, research, and achievements.

Recently, a collaborative partnership between three faculty members led to the College receiving a five-year, $600,000 National Science Foundation grant providing scholarships and programming for physical science and mathematics students. The members of the faculty love their teaching, but at the same time are energetically engaged in “the public conversation.”

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